Conversation Management Topics

Create Conversation Title

Conversation title helps you easily remark and identify message among others with ease. In this post, you will learn how to create & edit conversation title in NestDesk. Let’s get started now. How to create/edit a conversation title Then you

Assign Conversation to Your Agents

When scaling up your business, you may want to have more than one agent in your NestDesk live chat. By choosing paid plans, you can add agents and assign messages for them to better collaborate & drive more conversions while

Delete Conversation

In this post, you’ll learn on how to delete a conversation in NestDesk. Let’s get started now.Note: Once you remove the conversation, it will no longer display in your conversation list. Keep in mind that you can not undo so

Add Tag to the Conversation

In the previous article, we have instructions for you on how to create a tag. Tags are used to sort and segment your customers by interest, status, activities, etc. In this article, you will learn how to add tags to

Add Private Note

A Private note is an agent’s internal note on a specific ticket. It is only visible to your team and not to customers. This feature helps provide context when reassigning the ticket to another agent. In this article, you will