Filter/sort conversation list

  • 10/06/2024
  • 750
  • 0

In this article, you will learn how to filter/sort conversation list in NestDesk.

This feature helps you keep messages well organized and easily find out the message you want among the others.

How to filter/sort conversation list

First off, make sure you’ve already logged in NestDesk. If you don’t have NestDesk account, please create a new one here.

  1. In the left sidebar, go to Conversation section 
  2. On top your conversation list, click on Filter

In the “Filter” setting, you have 4 options to filter your message:

  • Store: If you have more than one integrated store, click the “Store” option and choose your desired store
  • Agent: Select agent that your messages are assigned to
  • Tag: Choose messages including the tag you select
  • Channel: Select channels where your customers come from
NestDesk filter conversation

In the “Sort” setting, you have 2 options “Oldest” and “Newest

  • Sellect “Oldest” to arrange messages from the oldest to the newest messages.
  • Sellect “Newest” to arrange messages from the newest to the oldest messages.
NestDesk sort conversation

How to filter/sort conversation list on smartphone

NestDesk mobile filter/sort conversation
  1. On top right, select Filter symbol on the right and Sort symbol on the left
  2. Sort will automatically apply, you need to click Apply after you finished
NestDesk mobile filter conversation
NestDesk mobile sort conversation

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