Change Agent’s Account Password

  • 10/06/2024
  • 814
  • 0

Agent profile is the representation of an agent. This helps visitors, other agents and admin easily recognize that agent when interacting with him/her on NestDesk. 

In this post, you will learn how to edit agent password in NestDesk. Let’s get started now!

How to change agent’s account password 

  1. In the left sidebar, go to Settings > click on Profile 
  2. In Change password, change your current password
Nestdesk change password
  1. Click Save to save all the settings

After changing the password, your NestDesk account will be reloaded. You will have to log in again using your new password

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Please contact our support team via live chat or email at [email protected].

We are happy to help you as soon as possible!


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