Preview Customer Cart

  • 24/07/2024
  • 405
  • 0


Preview customer cart is a powerful feature that allows customer support agents to assist online shoppers by viewing their shopping carts in real-time during chat interactions

Why is “Preview customer cart” helpful?

Preview customer cart feature helps you have more contexts to provide personalized assistance and recommendations. 

  • Provide detailed information about the products in their cart, including specifications, reviews, and alternatives
  • Suggest complementary products or upgrades that could enhance their shopping experience or meet their needs better
  • If applicable, offer special discounts or promotions on the items in their cart to encourage them to complete the purchase
  • If the customer faces any issues with their cart, such as adding or removing items, assist them promptly to ensure a smooth shopping experience

How to preview customer cart

  1. Navigate to Conversation section > click to open a specific conversation
Nestdesk customer cart

2. On customer’s info sidebar, you will see the Customer’s Cart section. 

Here you can preview cart items in real-time. It displays the item name, variant, price, quantity and subtotal price as well.

Nestdesk customer cart

Note: You can only view Customer’s Cart if that customer is the one who first initiates the conversation with you. 

Interested in learning more about NestDesk? Book a demo with us!

Need any help?

If you need any assistance with NestDesk, feel free to contact us via live chat in-app or email [email protected]. Our support team is happy to help! 🤗🤗🤗


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