Agents Topics

Change Agent’s Account Password

Agent profile is the representation of an agent. This helps visitors, other agents and admin easily recognize that agent when interacting with him/her on NestDesk.  In this post, you will learn how to edit agent password in NestDesk. Let’s get

Add Agents to Your Account

In this post, you will learn how to add an agent to your account. Let’s get started now!  📌 Note: Only admin can add agents to the account. How to add an agent to your account 1. Log in NestDesk

Remove Agent

In this post you will learn how to remove an agent from the list. Let’s get started now! 📌 Note: Please note that only the admin is able to delete the agent accounts.  How to delete an agent  Interested in

Edit Agent’s Profile

Agent profile is the representation of an agent. This helps visitors, other agents and admin easily recognize that agent when interacting with him/her on NestDesk.  In this post, you will learn how to edit agent profile in NestDesk. Let’s get