AI Chat Bot

  • 24/07/2024
  • 758
  • 0

AI Chatbot offers dynamic interactions by allowing customers to type specific questions about the owner’s store and get instant personalized responses directly in the live chat widget. This helps reduce the average response time, human resources, and improves customer satisfaction, leading to increased orders and revenue.

However, please note that this advanced feature is included in the Professional Plan only.

First off, make sure you’ve logged into NestDesk. If you don’t have a NestDesk account, please create a new one here.

What is NestDesk AI Chatbot? 

NestDesk AI Chatbot is an innovative customer support feature developed to enhance communication between businesses and customers. AI Chatbot automatically syncs with the user’s product information and adapts to customer questions. 

AI Chatbot can provide quick, accurate, and personalized responses to various queries, thereby improving overall engagement and reducing user workload. 

NestDesk AI chatbot

How to enable NestDesk AI Chatbot?

1. To add AI Chatbot to your livechat widget, go to Automations > select Chat AI

NestDesk Ai Chatbot section

2. Switch the AI Chatbot toggle to enable NestDesk AI Chatbot > You can see an activated success notification in the bottom right corner.

NestDesk AI Chatbot toggle

Users can choose which store to activate AI Chatbot from the Store URL bar by choosing options from the drop-down. After enabling, the AI Chatbot offers 500 messages for ALL STORES (the excess replies will be charged). You have a maximum of 100 AI responses in the Pro free trial.

Note: During usage, if you make any changes to the products in your Shopify store, simply click the “Update Data” button for the AI Chatbot to acknowledge these updates.

NestDesk AI Chatbot Update Data

Set up AI Chatbot Profile 

You can set your AI assistant profile in AI Chatbot’s profile section:

  • AI Chatbot’s Name (AI Chatbot name must be less than 20 characters and no special characters)
  • AI Chatbot’s Avatar (Uploaded avatar size must be less than 5MB in JPG, PNG file)
  • Welcome Message 
NestDesk AI profile
NestDesk AI profile

AI Chatbot Testing

Users can create testing conversations with AI Chatbot by clicking on the Test AI Chatbot button

NestDesk Test AI Chatbot

The Live chat with the AI assistant will appear on the right side.

Note: The number of testing replies is counted in the total number of AI responses and displayed in the AI Chatbot’s reply credit bar.

NestDesk Test AI Chatbot

Training AI Chatbot 

Users may require the AI Chatbot to respond to inquiries about exclusive store details, such as ongoing promotions, free shipping policies, or special discounts that the Chatbot cannot automatically access after syncing. 

By training the AI Chatbot with this information, you can guarantee that it offers precise and current answers to queries.

NestDesk Training AI

Add AI Training Questions 

  1. In the Training AI section, click on (+) Add button

Note: Users can create up to 20 training AI questions

NestDesk Training AI
  1. Fill out the Question and Answer box > Click on Save 
NestDesk AI Q&A

Edit AI Training Questions

  1. Click on the Three dots icon beside the training question you want to edit > select Edit
NestDesk AI Edit Training Qs
  1. Edit the information from the Training questions pop-up window > click on Save
NestDesk AI Edit Training Qs

Delete AI Training Questions  

Click on the three dots icon beside the training question you want to edit > select Delete

    NestDesk AI Delete Training Qs

    How to view AI Chatbot conversation?

    NestDesk AI Chatbot

    Above is the AI chat section where you can see the conversation that is answered by AI Chatbot, to keep track of and manage how it performs. 
    To view AI Chatbot chatting sessions, go to Conversation, it is located at the upper screen. All the AI chatbot conversations which is not yet paused will be here.

    Interested in learning more about NestDesk? Book a demo with us!

    Need any help? 

    If you need any assistance with NestDesk, feel free to contact us via live chat or email [email protected].

    Our support team is happy to help you! 😊😊😊


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