NestDesk Reports

  • 10/01/2024
  • 389
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Overall, NestDesk reports provide useful information for management such as information on conversation trend, revenue trend report and number of created orders, etc.

In this article, you will discover about NestDesk analytics system, and how this system works. Let’s get started now.

NestDesk - reports

What are NestDesk reports?

NestDesk reports include Overview report and Revenue report:

  • The Overview report provides you with detailed statistics about conversation trends.
NestDesk - overview reports
  • The Revenue report provides you with the statistics about order generation and revenue trend report.
NestDesk - revenue reports

How NestDesk reports work

The Overview Report

The overview report provides you with a clear and informative conversation trend report. It gives you detailed information about conversation created and closed, average response time and resolution time. These statistics are recorded in 3 given periods of time: Day, Month and Year.

The statistics are filtered by attribute stores, agents, tags and channels.

The Revenue Report 

The Revenue report provides you with information about Revenue trend and order generation.

The statistics are Revenue, Conversation created, Conversation rate and order created. These statistics are filtered by 3 attributes: Stores, Agents and Channels.

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