NestAds Topics

TRR Campaign Dashboard 

This article will give you information about the Campaign dashboard and show you how to use it to gain a better understanding of your ad performance. Additionally, it will provide actionable insights to help you improve your ROAS. Without further

Create custom audience

Custom audiences are people who already interacted with or showed interest in your business.  For businesses that have a tight budget, reaching custom audiences is the most suitable to ensure good return on investment.  In this article, you’ll learn how

Create lookalike audience

Lookalike audiences consist of individuals who may have an interest in your business as they share similar traits with your current customers. Targeting lookalike audiences helps you acquire new customers, scale up your customer base and increase return on ad

Create targeting audience

Targeting audiences are people that you will reach and show your ads on TikTok. Targeting the right audience helps to increase your ad performance, drive more traffic, engagement, conversions, and so on.  In this article, you will learn how to

Create new TikTok pixel & Install it on your website

NestAds’s TikTok Pixel using the TikTok Event API to implement on your store. TikTok Events API is designed to give our advertisers a more reliable connection between TikTok and advertiser marketing data (servers, website, app, or CRM) while also providing