Creative Analysis

  • 24/06/2024
  • 245
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Overview Of Creative Analysis

As its name suggests, Creative Analysis feature enables you to analyze creative performance for better optimization. In particular, you can use it for: 

  • Analyze creative performance from different platforms in one place.
  • Evaluate the performance of individual ad creative and compare how it performs across campaigns.
  • Compare ad creatives by specific metrics in various attribution conditions.

In this post, you will learn how Creative Analysis works and help the advertiser optimize their creatives effectively. Let’s get started now!

How to use Creative Analysis 

Creative Filter 

On the top of Creative Analysis page, you will see a row of multiple settings for filtering creative data. You can apply multiple settings at a time to sort out creative data on demand.  

Discover specific settings in the filter section below:

1. Platform

You have the option to display creatives from either your TikTok ads library or Facebook ads library. 

NestAds_Creative analysis_Platform

2. Datepicker:

This feature allows you to select a time range for the creatives, with a maximum date range of 90 days.

NestAds_Creative analysis_Datepicker

3. Attribution Model

Attribution models determine how order values are attributed across touchpoints. 

NestAds_Creative analysis_Attribution Model

NestAds offers several attribution models below:

  • Last Platform Click: Attributes 100% of the order value to the last click on each platform.
  • Last Click: Attributes 100% of the order value to the last click.
  • First Click: Attributes 100% of the order value to the first click.
  • Linear: Attributes the order value evenly among all clicks/touchpoints.

4. Attribution Window

Attribution window is a defined period of time during which events are tracked and attributed to an Ad. Currently, there are three attribution window options: 7 days, 14 days, and 30 days.

NestAds_Creative analysis_Attribution Window

5. Report Mode

Two report modes are available: Event date and Click date.

NestAds_Creative analysis_Report Mode
  • Event Date (Order date): Records revenue and attribution based on the day the order checkout is completed.
  • Click Date: Records revenue and attribution based on the day the Ad is clicked.

After modifying the filter settings, you will see the corresponding data updates in the Creative Table report.

Performance Trend Chart 

Performance Trend Chart gives you a clear view by comparing the trends of up to three creatives at specific time intervals through some key metrics.

NestAds_Creative analysis_Performance Trend Chart

Here’s how to start comparing performance:

Step 1: Choose up to three creatives you want to compare

NestAds_Creative analysis_Performance Trend Chart_Step1

Step 2: Click the button Apply on chart

NestAds_Creative analysis_Performance Trend Chart_Step2

Step 3: Modify the metrics or Add 2nd metric, then apply the hover line chart to view detailed statistics for each creative.
For example: When you choose Revenue for metric 1 and Ad spend for metric 2, the details of revenue and ad spend for each creative will be shown up when you hover the line.

NestAds_Creative analysis_Performance Trend Chart_Step3

Creative Table Report

Creative Table Report is your one-stop destination for analyzing the detailed performance of your ad creatives. 

The data in this report will be updated following the settings in the Creative Filter at the top of the page. 

NestAds_Creative analysis_Creative Table Report

Here’s a breakdown of the information you’ll find in Creative Table Report:

1. NestAds Attribution Model (Last Platform Click)

This column showcases the general creative performance by 3 key metrics tracked by NestAds pixel (Server-side tracking pixel). 

Depending on which attribution model, attribution window, report mode, and time range are selected, the values of the three metrics below may change. 

  • Revenue: Total amount of money generated through conversions from your ads.
  • ROAS: Return on Ad Spend, calculated as Revenue divided by Ad spend. Indicates how much revenue you get back for every dollar spent on advertising.
  • CPA: Cost per Action, how much it costs to acquire a conversion through your ads.

2. Platform Attribution Model

This column showcases the general creative performance by 3 key metrics tracked by the In-Platform pixel (Meta pixel or TikTok pixel). 

You’ll see the same key metrics like Revenue, ROAS, and CPA, but tracked based on the original advertising platform and its default attribution model. Depending on which attribution window, report mode, and time range are selected, the values of these metrics may change. 

3. Ads Performance

This column dives deeper into the engagement and conversion rates of your creatives. It includes the following metrics: 

  • Impressions: How many times your ad was displayed.
  • Visitors: Unique visitors who clicked on your ad and landed on your website (tracked by NestAds pixel).
  • Clicks: Total number of clicks on your ad.
  • Conversions: Successful purchases through your ad (tracked by NestAds pixel and In-Platform pixel).
  • Conversion Rate (CVR): Percentage of visitors who converted after clicking your ad (tracked by NestAds pixel and In-Platform pixel) 

4. Creative Details

Every creative has a different Creative ID. You can easily keep track of a specific creative used in how many ads/ad sets and the total ad spends. 

If you want to view the performance of a specific creative, simply hit on its ID to open the detailed report. 

NestAds_Creative analysis_Creative Details

Here you will have an in-depth view of a particular creative’s performance, as shown below:

NestAds_Creative analysis_Creative details

Need any help? 

Please contact our support team via live chat or email at [email protected]. We are happy to help you as soon as possible!


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