NestAds Topics

Add NestAds Tracking Parameter In Your Facebook Ads

Overview Tracking parameters help you accurately attribute the source of incoming traffic and conversions. This means you can precisely identify which ads, campaigns, or even specific elements within those campaigns are driving desired actions on your website.  Therefore, with detailed

Add NestAds Tracking Parameter In Klaviyo

Klaviyo is an email marketing platform tailored for e-commerce businesses, it provides advanced segmentation, automation, and in-depth analytics to help businesses understand their customer and enhance their marketing strategies. NestAds – Klaviyo tracking parameters provide a comprehensive view of the

Create new TikTok pixel & Install it on your website

NestAds’s TikTok Pixel using the TikTok Event API to implement on your store. TikTok Events API is designed to give our advertisers a more reliable connection between TikTok and advertiser marketing data (servers, website, app, or CRM) while also providing

NestAds Pixel Overview

What is NestAds Pixel?  NestAds Pixel is a small piece of code implemented on your Shopify store that helps you understand how your ads across multiple channels perform. It provides clear and accurate tracking of customer interactions, making it easier

About Learning Phase

In this post, you will learn about what Learning Phase is and how to pass it quickly. Let’s get started now.  What is Learning Phase? Learning Phase refers to the initial period of ad delivery when the system continuously explores