NestAds Pixel: Performance Report 

  • 04/02/2025
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In this post, you will learn about NestAds Pixel performance report – How to understand and gain insights from it. Let’s get started now! 

What is NestAds Pixel performance report? 

NestAds Pixel performance report offers a comprehensive view of your marketing attribution. By syncing all marketing channels in one place, it allows you to quickly identify which channels are performing well and contributing to your bottom line.

To access the performance report in the NestAds app, navigate to the NestAds Pixel category.

The performance report gives you an overview of the performance of your advertising channels and non-paid sources, which you can compare to one another.

performance report_overview

Note: You can only view the NestAds data report (columns with logos) after adding UTM parameter tracking to your ads.

>> Read more:
How to add NestAds tracking parameter in your marketing channels (Facebook Ads, Google Ads, TikTok ads, Klaviyo)

The Structure of NestAds Pixel Performance Report 

NestAds performance report includes 2 main sources: paid channels and non-paid channels.

Paid sources report

Paid sources report includes all paid ad channels (TikTok Ads, Facebook Ads, Google Ads)

paid channels

For example, if you click on TikTok Ads platform, you can see the report of all your TikTok ad campaigns. 

TikTok ads source

Here is how the TikTok report displays all the campaigns: 

TikTok ad lists

From the first row, you can quickly check all the metrics for each campaign (in a specific time period)

performance report_metrics
  • Total Ad Spend: The total amount of money spent on your ad campaigns.
  • Revenue: The total amount of money earned from ads.
  • Conversions: The number of purchases completed by users after interacting with the ad.
  • ROAS: Return on Ad Spend, calculated as Revenue/Total Ad Spend.
  • Impressions: The number of times your ads are displayed.
  • Visitors: The number of users visiting your site after interacting with ads.
  • CVR: The Conversion Rate, calculated as the ratio of conversions to clicks.

You can click on the Group View button to display ads by group and campaign. This setup allows you to easily monitor ad performance within each campaign:

group view

Note: Quickly switch the toggle On/Off directly in NestAds to activate/inactivate your ads.

Non-paid sources report

  • Organic report
Organic report

Organic reports offer a detailed breakdown of website traffic originating from non-paid channels. This includes metrics driven by non-ad links in organic search results (Google, Bing, Yahoo…) or on social sites (Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok).

Organic source breakdown
  • Direct report
Direct source

Direct report shows all the orders made by customers who visited your website by either clicking on a saved link or by directly typing your website’s URL into their browser.

Direct source order list
  • Klaviyo report 

If you’re using Klaviyo for email marketing, you can connect it with NestAds to access detailed reports.

The Klaviyo report in NestAds provides insights into which orders are attributed to specific campaigns or automated flows within Klaviyo.

  • Custom source report 

>> Learn more: Klaviyo Integration

  • Custom source report 

Other than setting the custom rules of attributed traffic for the default settings by the advanced conditions, you can also launch advertising campaigns on various platforms, including those not directly integrated with NestAds, such as: 

  • Email marketing (other than Klaviyo)
  • Affiliate links
  • Other search engines not currently listed in NestAds
  • … 

By setting up UTM tracking for these custom traffic sources, you can generate a report that shows orders attributed to those sources.

>> Learn more: Custom traffic rules

How to filter NestAds performance report

Let’s take a closer look at all settings, columns, and metrics in NestAds Pixel performance report. 

On the top of the performance report, you will see some filters, including: 

  • Date range 

There are some predefined date ranges for you to select from: Yesterday, Last 7 days, Last 14 days, Last 30 days, Last 60 days, Last 90 days. You can set a custom date range as you want.

Tips: Select a date range that is reasonable for your customer buying journey. 

Date range
  • Model date (Report by)

Select the date of which action you want to track. There are 2 options for you:

  • Event date: The day the customer makes a purchase 
  • Click date: The day the customer clicks on an ad 
NestAds performance report
  • Attribution window 

This is a defined period during which events are tracked and attributed to an ad. NestAds offers six options: 1 day, 7 days, 14 days, 30 days, 60 days, and 90 days.

Attribution window options
  • Attribution model

Attribution models determine how order values are attributed across touchpoints. There are 4 options you can choose: Last platform click, First click, Last click and Linear.

NestAds performance report

Channel: NestAds allows users to display metrics of all channels or only specific channels on the performance report 


In NestAds Pixel performance report,  you can filter by Campaign Status or Metrics by clicking the filter icon beside the search box.

NestAds filter

When the sidebar appears on the right, simply tick the boxes to select the filters you want to apply to your report:

  • By Campaign/Ad Group/Ad Status
  • By Metrics
filter_ad level

You can use a single metric filter or combine multiple ones. Click Apply Filters to finalize your selection.

How to create NestAds Saved View

Customize your Performance Report to suit your needs by adjusting configurations like date range, reported metrics. Once done, you can save it as a new view for easy access and management.

performance report_saved view

Customize NestAds displayed columns

You can customize your Performance Report by clicking the custom symbol at the top right corner of the report.

customize_saved view

When the pop-up window appears, simply tick the boxes to select the metrics you want to showcase in your report.

*Note: Total ad spend metric is a default metric and cannot be hidden on your report.

metric_customize columns

To organize the order of these metrics, click on the drag-and-drop icon under the Column Display section. After that, click the Apply button to save your changes.

Save a NestAds Custom View

  1. After making changes to your current Performance Report, click on the Save as new view button:
NA custom view_save
  1. Inside Add new view pop-up, type the View name > choose Confirm
NA custom view_edit name

Edit a NestAds Saved View 

When you’ve made changes to your Performance Report, “Unsaved changes” will appear. You can then choose to:

  • Save: Apply the changes to the current view
  • Save as New View: Save it as a separate saved view
  • Edit View Name: Save changes to the current report under a new name
  • Delete View: Remove the current report view
NA custom view_edit

You can set a view as a default view to display automatically when logging into NestAds Performance Report by clicking on the Star Icon in the top right corner:

(The default view is NestAds preset view

NA custom view_set as default

Details of NestAds Pixel performance report

If you want to view the detailed sales performance of a specific campaign, simply click on its name.

For example, if you click on Campaign A from TikTok Ads platforms, you’ll see the list of orders generated from that campaign. Specifically, it shows the Order Number, Created Date, Customer Name, and Order Value.

NestAds performance report

If you click on a specific order, you can view the list of purchased items and the timeline of all customer interactions before they make that purchase. 

NestAds performance report

Metrics Details

By NestAds 

Metrics by NestAds (metrics with logo) are collected by NestAds pixel and are outlined in the table below. 

Metrics nameDescriptions
Revenue NestAds pixel’s reported Revenue.

Total amount of money generated from orders attributed to specific sources.
ROASNestAds pixel’s reported Return on ad spend. Calculated as Revenue/Total ad spend.
CPANestAds pixel’s reported Cost Per Acquisition. Calculated as: Total Ad spend/Conversions or Install.
Visitors NestAds pixel’s reported Visitors.
Unique visitors who clicked on your ad and landed on your website.
Conversions NestAds pixel’s reported Conversions.
Total orders are generated from specific sources.
CVRNestAds pixel’s reported Conversions Rate. Calculated as NestAds pixel’s reported conversions/channel’s reported impressions.
AOVNestAds pixel’s reported Average Order Value.
The average amount of money customers spend per transaction.
New customersThe number of customers who purchase from your business for the first time.
%NCThe percentage of new customers. Calculated as the number of new customers/ total customers in a defined time range.
CPA (NC)New Customer Cost Per Acquisition. Calculated as total Ad Spend/ Number of New Customers.
Revenue (NC)
The total amount of money gained from new customers’ 1st orders.

By channels

Metrics by channels are collected by ad platforms and are outlined in the table below. 

Metrics Descriptions
Total ad spend Channel’s reported Total ad Spend
Revenue Channel’s reported Revenue
ROASChannel’s reported Return on ad spend. Calculated as Revenue/Total ad spend.
CPAChannel’s reported Cost Per Acquisition. Calculated as Total Ad spend/Conversions or Install.
Impressions Channel’s reported Impressions
Clicks Channel’s reported Clicks
Conversions Channel’s reported Conversions
CVRChannel’s reported Conversions Rate. Calculated as Conversions/Impressions.
CTRChannel’s reported Click Through Rate (All Clicks)
CPCChannel’s reported Cost per Click
CPMChannel’s reported Cost Per Mille (cost per 1000 impressions)

Need any help?

Feel free to contact us via in-app live chat or email at [email protected]. Our support team is happy to help. 


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