NestAds Pixel Overview

  • 22/04/2024
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In this post, you will learn the overview of NestAds Pixel – What it is, How it works, and How it differentiates from platform pixel. Let’s get started now!

What is NestAds Pixel? 

NestAds pixel is a piece of code installed on your website to track visitors’ behaviors on your website and ad performance. It helps you measure ad impact from multiple channels accurately, and get customer data for better tracking. 

NestAds pixel is a server-side tracking pixel. It collects first-party data stored on your website into NestAds secured local storage and does not depend on third-party cookies for data collection. 

Therefore, NestAds pixel is not affected by the impacts of ad blockage, iOS 17’s Link Tracking Protection policy, and Google’s third-party cookies phase-out.

*To take advantage of powerful ad tracking with NestAds, follow these steps:

Step 1: Make sure you enable app embeds in your Shopify theme admin.

NestAds_App embeds

Step 2: After enabling app embeds, verify NestAds connection in Customer events. Look for Connected status next to the app name.


How NestAds Pixel works 

NestAds pixel functions as a camera that tracks exactly where the traffic comes from and identifies visitors on your website.

Let’s dig deeper into the logic behind NestAds pixel: 

1. UTM Tracking Parameter 

UTM tracking parameter is a snippet of code that is added at the end of the destination page link in your ads. 

With the aid of UTM tracking parameters, NestAds pixel can keep track of every ad that leads customers to your website. When they eventually place an order, the NestAds pixel attributes credit back to those ads.

NestAds UTM tracking parameter can be added to TikTok ads, Facebook ads, and Google ads. You can’t get out of the NestAds pixel value without using the UTM tracking parameter. 

Below are two main tracking elements in NestAds UTM tracking parameter:

  • Source (nads_source): This identifies the platform that sent the visitor to your website. For example, if a visitor came from a Facebook ad, the nads_source = facebook 
  • Ad ID (nads_adid): This identifies the specific Ad/Ad group/Campaign that the visitor clicked on.

*Note: For Google Shopping and Performance Max campaigns, we use nads_campaign for tracking instead of nads_adid because they only have Campaign and Ad groups, not Ad level. 

Here are some examples of NestAds UTM tracking link in specific ad platforms:

Facebook link:
TikTok link:
Google link:
- For Shopping and Performance Max campaigns:

- For the rest campaign types:

2. User Identifier Logic 

NestAds pixel uses its user identifier logic to detect visitors on your website. Below are 3 main elements in the logic: 

  • NestAds user ID: NestAds Pixel creates a unique anonymous identity for each visitor entering your website. This information is stored in NestAds secured local storage, not the browser cookie.
  • Fingerprint: Fingerprint generates a unique identifier associated with your visitors’ browser and device to detect visitors on your website. This ensures NestAds pixel can still collect data even if visitors delete their browsing history, use incognito mode, or change their VPNs. 
  • Email/Phone: NestAds pixel can collect email and phone numbers if users provide them on your website. 

With this logic, NestAds pixel can identify visitors and track their behaviors on your website. It’s helpful to optimize your ad targeting and detect returning users. 

>>> Read more: NestAds Pixel – Performance report

Attribution, Attribution Window And Attribution Model

Attribution refers to giving credit to an ad or source for turning a lead into a conversion. 

For example: A customer engages with your ad campaigns from different channels before he places an order. Among various touchpoints in the customer journey, attribution is the way you identify which one deserves credit for the ultimate purchase.

An attribution window is a defined period of time during which events are tracked and attributed to an ad. 

For example: When the attribution window is set to 30 days, all ads that a customer interacts with within 30 days before making a purchase are sorted, and the selected ad(s) are credited. (The selected ad depends on the attribution model). 

At NestAds, you can select an attribution window that is reasonable for your customer journey. There are 4 options: 7 days, 14 days, 30 days, and 60 days.

Attribution models determine how order values are attributed across touchpoints. Each attribution model works differently, so it’s important to understand what they are and how they work:

– Last Click Platform (aka NestAds attribution): Attributes 100% of the order value to the last click on each platform.

– Last Click: Attributes 100% of the order value to the last click.

– First Click: Attributes 100% of the order value to the first click.

– Linear: Attributes the order value evenly among all clicks/touchpoints.

>>> Read more: Attribution models in NestAds 

Need any help?

Feel free to contact us via live chat in app or email at [email protected]. Our support team is happy to help. 


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