Conversion Dashboard 

  • 19/09/2023
  • 351
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Conversion dashboard is where you can check the sales performance and manage every order generated from affiliate marketing.

In this post, you’ll discover all the basic things inside conversion dashboard and how you utilize it effectively. Let’s get started now! 🥰


On the top of the Conversion dashboard, you will see some key metrics about the sales performance of affiliate programs.

  • Total sales: The total revenue of approved orders/conversions
  • Total commission: The total commission expense is paid to affiliates
  • Approve rate: The percentage of approved orders over all orders gained from affiliates 
Conversion dashboard

Conversion table 

In the conversion table, you can view & manage orders gained from all affiliate members and affiliate programs.

This table consists of 7 columns: 

  • Order
  • Status
  • Affiliate
  • Created date
  • Order Value
  • Commission 
  • Actions: Approve/Deny the order 

To better understand the order status in the Conversion table, check it out below: 

  • Approved: The order is approved 
  • Denied: The order is not approved
  • Pending: Wait for approve or deny
  • Unqualified: It can be due to one out of the following reasons
    • Cookie days of the last click have expired
    • Existing customers use the program for new customers only
    • The order value is less than the required minimum order value 

⚠️ Notice signs 

Below are some notice signs in the conversion table:

  • This order has refund(s)
  • This is potentially a self-referral
  • You edited this order for a refund on ….
  • Adjust order value after refund
Conversion dashboard approval

 It is simple to search conversion by affiliate name or order number. And you can also sort out conversion by status. 

Need any help?

If you need any assistance with NestAffiliate, feel free to contact us via live chat in-app or email [email protected]. Our support team is happy to help.


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