Approve Affiliate Request 

  • 19/09/2023
  • 375
  • 0

NestAffiliate provides you with an easy way of approving or rejecting affiliates that have applied to your affiliate program. In this post, you will learn how to approve your affiliate request.  

Overview of Affiliate Request

After a person registers for your affiliate program, an affiliate request will be recorded. You need to approve the request manually so that he/she can officially be an affiliate member. 

A new affiliate request will be located in Pending Approvals section. Right from Dashboard, you can easily notice how many pending affiliate requests remain. 

Main dashboard

How to Approve an Affiliate Request

Step 1: Go to Manage > choose Affiliates

How to Approve an Affiliate Request

Step 2: Select Pending Approvals > in the Actions column, click Approve

How to Approve an Affiliate Request

Step 3: The approved affiliate will be moved to the Active Members list. They will receive an approval confirmation email sent to their mailbox

Need any help?

If you need any assistance with NestAffiliate, feel free to contact us via live chat in-app or email [email protected]. Our support team is happy to help.


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