Edit Live Widget 

  • 10/04/2024
  • 397
  • 0

In this post, you will learn how to edit the widget in NestWidget app. Let’s get started now!

First off, make sure you’ve created a live widget in NestWidget. Learn how to create live widget here. 

Edit a live widget 

Follow steps below to edit a live widget:

  1. From Dashboard, navigate to My widgets > Live widgets 
  2. At the Action column, click on 3 dots icon
NestWidget - edit a live widget
  1. Choose Edit widget on the widget that you want to edit 
NestWidget - edit a live widget

Change media sources in live widget

At Edit media sources Dashboard: 

  • Edit Widget name 
  • Press + Edit source(s) to change Media sources
  • Press the rubbish bin icon to Delete a chosen Media source 
NestWidget edit live widget - change media source
  • Click Save to save the progress / click Discard to back to previous edit

Customize live widget 

At Customize widget Dashboard, you can edit following settings: 

  • General Configuration
  • Desktop layout 
  • Mobile layout
  • Interaction 

Click on Save button to save your all changes. 

NestWidget Customize Live Widget

Need more help? 

Please contact our support team via live chat or email at [email protected] 

We are happy to help you as soon as possible! 


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