Bundles Topics

Create Bundle With Free Gift 

In this post, you will learn how to create a bundle with Free gift discount type. Let’s get started now!  Overview  Free gift is a promotion type that you can use to include a specific product as free gift in

Create Bundle With Percentage Discount 

In this post, you will learn how to create a bundle with Percentage Discount. Let’s get started now!  Overview  Percentage Discount is a discount type that you can use to set a certain percent off for the bundle price.  In

Create Product Bundle 

In this post, you will learn how to create product bundle in NestScale bundles & discounts app. Let’s get started!  Overview  Product bundle is a mixture of multiple products with a good discounted price. This bundle type helps sellers to

Create Bundle With Fixed Price  

In this post, you will learn how to create bundle with Fixed Price in NestScale Bundles & Discounts app. Let’s get started now. Overview Fixed Price is a discount type that you can use to set a specific price for

Create Bundle With Fixed Discount Amount 

In this post, you will learn how to create bundle with Fixed Discount Amount in NestScale Bundles & Discounts app. Let’s get started now!  Overview Fixed Discount Amount is a discount type that you can use to set a certain