Customize Product Bundle

  • 15/09/2023
  • 251
  • 0

In this post, you will learn how to customize product bundle in NestScale Bundles & Discounts app. Let’s get started now! 

How to customize product bundle

Step 1: Go to Design > select Product Bundle as Bundle type

How to customize product bundle

Step 2: Complete Add to Cart button settings

Here you can change the following settings 

  • Button text
  • Button text color
  • Button color
  • Button action: There one from 2 available actions – Add to cart only or Redirect to cart page 

Step 3: Complete Text Color settings

Here you can change the text color the following settings 

  • Bundle display name
  • Discounted price
  • Product name
  • Bundle description
  • Compare-at price

Step 4: Complete Confirmation message

Edit the text of notification. This notification will show up after the bundle is added to cart successfully. 

Step 5: Enter Maximum number of bundles on product page

Note: Maximum number is 3

Step 6: Click Save Changes or Undo Change after check the Preview tab on the right side

How to customize product bundle

Need any help?

If you need any assistance with NestScale Bundles & Discounts app, feel free to contact us via live chat in-app or email [email protected]. Our support team is happy to help


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