Variants Options Style

  • 12/07/2024
  • 1113
  • 0

NS Product Variants offers endless product variation options with samples and drop-down menus to enhance the shopping experience. In this user guide, you will find more about Variants Options Style. Let’s get started!

Options Configuration 

Options Configuration enables you to define and manage product attributes, create tailored product variants and ultimately provide a more comprehensive and user-friendly shopping experience for your customers

*Note: Only options variants of 100 products are synced. Go to the search bar, select In my Store to search for options of products that are missing in the list. The app can only search for products that have options.

You could choose from those 2 options:

  • In my Options list: automatically synced products to your Options list (default option)
  • In my Store: search for the product to choose the appropriate variants from your store for further configuration
PV_Option Configuration

How to configure your variants with NS Product Variants?

Within Options Configuration, you can easily customize segments based on your product settings. For example: 

  • Size
  • Origin 
  • Color 
  • Style 
  • Material 

For each segment, you should configure the Display Style and Option Images. You can choose to apply the display style to either the Production page or Collection page by toggling the switch from Inactive to active.

Display Style in Production page include

  • Swatch circle in square
  • Swatch in box
  • Swatch in dropdown
  • Circular swatch
  • Square swatch
  • Swatch in pill
PV_Display style

Display Style in Collection page include

  • Swatch circle in square
  • Circular swatch
  • Square swatch
PV_Display style 2

Options Images include

  • Variant image: This option allows you to synchronize your variant image in the Variant section under your product setting
PV_Option image1
  • Color/custom image: you will need to upload image from your desktop’s file
PV_Option images2

You can select specific swatches by entering their names on the search bar to configure > click on Upload to complete the swatch editing process.

PV_Edit Swatch

Currently, you may add a single image to each product variant. We are in the process of developing a feature that will enable multiple images into a variant. This enhancement will be included in our next version.
Don’t forget to click Save when done to log the process.

How to change the order between active variants and inactive variants?

In case you have both active variants using NS image variant options and inactive variants using Shopify default options, you can simply change their order by clicking on the Display settings beside the search bar

PV_Display Settings

There are 2 options to choose from > Click on Apply:

  • Above default Shopify swatch 
  • Below default Shopify swatch
PV_Display settings

That’s done! These simple steps can help you personalize your visual layout with ease.

Need any help? 

Please contact our support team via live chat or email at [email protected]. We are happy to help you as soon as possible!


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