How To Custom Swatch Display On Collection Page

  • 12/07/2024
  • 347
  • 0

This guide will walk you through the process of personalizing the swatch presentation for your products, allowing you to create a visually appealing and intuitive browsing experience for your customers. Let’s get started!

Collection Page

All display styles you’ve selected in Option Configuration will be highlighted in “in use” blue. To edit them, simply click on the customize button located on the right side of the chosen swatch display style.

PV_Collection Page

In each style, you have the flexibility to customize the following sections to suit your preferences. Additionally, you can apply the design settings used for the product page to the collection page by clicking on the three dots above the Preview section and selecting Apply design from product page. If you wish to reset the settings to the default for the collection page, simply select Reset settings to default.

PV_Collection Page

1. Limited swatch display

In this section, you can configure:

  • Limited image
    • No image
    • Custom
PV_No Image

In Custom Option, please upload an image for your limited swatch option from the desktop’s file 

PV_Limited Swatch Display

Note: You can activate the Image with overlay button to create a dark overlay for the limited swatch as below:

PV_Limited Swatch Display
PV_Image With Overlay
  • Maximum number of swatches 

You can configure the number of variants that appear under each product on the collection page by entering the desired number into the provided box below (The maximum number of variants is 8).

PV_Maximum number of variations

2. Label settings:

Here, you can customize the names of swatches.

  • Size: Enter your preferred number.
  • Case: Choose from Default, Uppercase, or Lowercase.
PV_Label settings

3. Image settings

  • Display position: You can choose to display the swatch position on the left side, right side, or in the center within the collection card
  • Image align: You can crop any part of the image from top, bottom or center options
  • Background swatch color
  • Image size fit
    • Cover (zoom in to fill the swatch)
    • Container (zoom out to fill the swatch)
  • Height, width size
PV_Image settings

4. Spacing settings

  • Swatch Spacing: Spacing between 2 swatches
  • Border Spacing
PV_Spacing settings

5. Selected Swatch

  • Outer Border
    • Thickness
    • Radius: Where you rounded the outer border
  • Inner Border
    • Thickness
PV_Selected swatch

6. Unselected Swatch

  • Outer Border
    • Thickness
    • Radius: Where you rounded the outer border
  • Inner Border
    • Thickness
PV_Unselected swatch

7. Hover swatch

  • Show variant description
  • Show shadow
    • Shadow
    • Thickness
    • Blur
  • Show the tooltip with variant image
  • Zoom variant image
  • Scaling size
  • Zoom size
CP_Hover swatch

While you are editing, you can visualize the changes in real-time using the preview feature on the right side of the page. When you’re satisfied with your edits, remember to Save your changes before returning to your website to admire the stunning new appearance of your variants.

Need any help? 

Please contact our support team via live chat or email at [email protected]. We are happy to help you as soon as possible!


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