Get started with Product Variants

  • 11/07/2024
  • 729
  • 0

Welcome to Product Variants! We are so glad to have you onboard! 😊

This post includes all the basic steps to help you get up and running fast with Product Variants. Let’s get started now

How to enable the product variant

Step 1:  Install the app on Shopify App Store


Step 2:  Proceed to Shopify admin and Click Install app


Step 3: On the Theme Customization page, click on the Theme Settings button in the right


Step 4: Click on the App embeds tab on the left side of the page under the Theme settings block, enable the Product Variants, and Save

Product Variants in store

How to display Product Group on your Live Store?

In case you want to use the Product Group feature, please check out some simple steps below to make sure all active product groups display well on your store:

  1. In your Shopify theme editor, switch to Product > select Default product section

2. On the left sidebar, click on Add block > select NestScale Product Group > click on Save button


Need any help?

If you need any assistance with NS Product Variants, feel free to contact us via live chat in-app or email [email protected]. Our support team is happy to help


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